Joseph Stack and the Tax Code


I don't know if anyone has read Joseph Stack's suicide note (it's long), but it highlights the fact that taxation is akin to slavery. Government is trying to pay for too much social programs, which is why taxes are so high. Cut the programs, cut the taxes, and stop turning Americans into slaves...

What Does Scott Brown's Win Mean?


voter revoltThere's an old saying, "Money fixes everything."

Unfortunately for Democrats, they thought that it meant if you spend more money, all the problems go away.

Republicans, however, are not much different. They thought that it meant if you let taxpayers keep more money, the problems go away.

In reality, what Scott Brown's Massachusetts senate seat win means is that the people are tired of "same old, same old". And thus far, what Democrats have brought to us since the November 2008 elections is just that, "same old, same old".

What the same old is about is just Democrats and Republicans keeping government in a such a lock to where to the people are victimized. We the people, are not being served because the "same old politics" is being played, regardless of which party is in control.

The healthcare reform bill proved that. We saw Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and President Obama play a "clear as day" political game to push something down the throats of Americans, when those three people did not even know what was contained in the healthcare reform bill.

What the people understood from that is that Pelosi, Reid, and Obama were not being truthful to us.

And that's why Scott Brown won.

Democrats need to earn the trust of the people, as do Republicans. Republicans do not have any kind of win streak going right now. They're only riding on the wave of voter revolt. Once Republicans win elections, the revolt will turn on them also.

Libertarian View of Gay Marriage


People should be free to marry whomever they want, be it gay marriage or straight marriage.

Libertarians in general support legislation to rewrite state marriage laws to allow gays to marry.

But I see this issue differently.

I believe government has no business sticking its nose into our private lives. What one person wants to do with his or her life should be left to that individual, and not usurped by the masses.

Therefore, there should be no definition of marriage. Government should only recognize marriage for legal purposes, such as custody of children, estate planning, medical directive, et al.

We should not support legislation that specifically allows gays to marry, and nor should we support legislation that specifically forbids gays to marry. There should be no legislation that steps into the personal realm.

Furthermore, Marriage itself is a religious institution. That's where marriage comes from. But because this religious institution has become so engrained into the American culture, people forget that it is a religious institution.

State governments already do recognize civil unions, which is effectively the same thing as marriage, but doesn't have the word "marriage" in it. For whatever reasons, gays have never been happy with civil unions, and instead want the full religious version that straight couples obtain.

Ultimately, government should abolish marriage, and instead only recognize civil unions. Let marriage continue at a personal level, and let couples continue to have marriage ceremonies in their own way, but let government see them all as civil unions.

Why the AARP Endorses Healthcare Bill


It's not so hard to understand why the AARP is endorsing the House Democrat's Healthcare Bill.

The AARP makes it's living selling a Medicare supplemental insurance policy, and this healthcare bill is going to cut Medicare services, making the AARP's insurance policy more valuable.

Follow the money.

Maria Shriver Cell Phone Fiasco


Well at least Maria Shriver only has to issue a public apology for using a cell phone while driving...

California first lady Maria Shriver says she's sorry for breaking a state law that requires drivers to use hands-free devices while talking on cell phones.

Could you imagine if everyone else had the luxury of issuing a public apology instead of paying fines?

On the other hand, Shriver wasn't caught by the cops, but by a gossip blog.

This only proves that the cell phone law is a bad idea. Despite having such a law, people still use cell phones while driving. It's kind of like speed limits, where no one obeys the law, but it provides law enforcement with opportunities to make themselves useful.

Cell phones provide us with more communication and productivity in a world that is increasing mobile. Cell phones were invented, and became popular because people want them. Enacting laws designed to prevent people from doing the things they need to do, is backasswards.

What is a Libertarian?


What is a libertarian?

A libertarian is someone who believes that freedom should have the highest weight factoring into all decisions of life and government.

That's my definition.

Libertarians often are known as "constitutionalists", people who keep their eyes squarely on the Constitution, and interpret the Constitution exactly as it reads without bending or twisting the words.

We believe in equal rights for all persons.

We believe in letting each person decide what's best for him or herself.

We believe in getting government off our backs.

We believe that each person should be free to live their lives as they please, so long as they respect the peace and freedom of everyone.

The Big L and little l

The Libertarian Party and libertarianism are not necessary the same thing. A "Libertarian", with a capital L, refers to someone who follows the Libertarian Party. A "libertarian", with a small l, refers to someone who follows the concept of libertarianism in general.

In most cases, the Libertarian Party follows the general principles of libertarianism. However, the Libertarian Party is a political party just like any other, and plays politics just like any other. But just because the Libertarian Party adopts a specific policy, doesn't mean libertarians in general stand by the same principle.

For example, many libertarians support the War on Terror, while many others do not. Some libertarians support legislation allowing gays to marry, while some prefer to leave marriage undefined, while others support each state's right to decide for themselves.

But all libertarians seem to agree that freedom is too valuable to sacrifice. Ultimately, it's the protection of freedom, and the promotion of freedom that all libertarians hold as most primary.

A Return to the Roots

It's interesting to know that libertarianism was alive and well during the American Revolution. It was the tyranny the American Colonies suffered under British rule that caused colonists to raise their fists up and revolt.

Cries of "Give me liberty or give me death!" was a cry for the very principles of libertarianism.

Once with burdened from excessive taxation and once losing the freedom to live one's own life, Americans eventually rise up to break the bonds that confine them and once again focus squarely on the words written into the Constitution.

The principles of libertarianism is to erase the complications and details that we've layered upon ourselves over the generations, and resync with the basic foundation set forth in the Constitution. And then from there, readdress the issues we deal with today.

Libertarians don't necessarily want to promote the Libertarian Party, we only want Democrats and Republicans to clear out the complications and details that fog their thinking, look again at the Constitution, and rethink the issue the way American Colonists had thought it when they rose up against British tyranny.

For Further Study

If you want to learn more about the principles of libertarianism, I suggest these websites...

The Naked Libertarian


Well, if you think I'm sitting here naked, writing this blog, well...

But really, it's because in terms of my political and social beliefs, that's what I am and I can be rather naked about it.

However, the real truth is that I discovered if you add the word "naked" to a title, people tend to take notice a lot more!

Years ago, I used to co-write a political blog called, "Political Dogs", which has since gone by the wayside. My friend was a conservative, and I was the libertarian. On many topics, we agreed, but on others disagreed. But the blog was going nowhere.

Then, I got into blogging about local politics here in the town I live in, Menifee, CA. We incorporated into a city, elected city council people, and dealt with issues like districts and budgets. I even covered the local school district and their board of trustees, and budgets, school boundaries, and etc.

But as I kept reading the news across the country, I couldn't help but want to say something. So, I created this blog.

As for who I am, I run a website publishing company called "Clear Digital Media". I basically blog all day long, or at least as much I can handle. On the weekends, I ride motorcycles. I'm a founder of the HeatWave Riding Club, a bunch of folks who ride motorcycles together.

I graduated from Santa Ana Valley High School, 1984, and attended Santa Ana College, studying music.